Sign The Petition
Add Your Name to IP28
If you'd like to sign IP28 from home, please read the following instructions carefully.

First, make sure you qualify. In order to sign IP28 you must be registered to vote in the state of Oregon.
Instructions to Print From Home
Step 1: Download the IP28 E-Sheet Packet
Step 2: Review the full text of IP28, which is included on pages 2-11 of the packet.
Step 3: Print only the first page of the packet on at least 20 pound, 8.5" x 11" uncoated white paper, or equivalent. You do not need to print out the full text on pages 2-11.
Step 4: Fill out the page using blue or black ink. Make sure to complete and sign both the Request and Certification sections by hand. Leave only the Sheet Number blank.
Step 5: Mail the signed signature sheet back to David Michelson at 25 NW 23rd Place Ste 6 #402, Portland, OR 97210.